Carrie: IT Apprentice on Business Administration level 3

Carrie joined our IT academy in September 2021 and is completing a Business Administration level 3 apprenticeship and liked the idea if working in an office environment and building on her existing skills but also learning new ones to lay the foundations for her working career.
Why did you first choose to apply for an apprenticeship?
I decided to apply for an apprenticeship after I finished my uni degree. During my final year at uni, we had to write a CV and cover letter as if applying for a job. To give me some inspiration, I started job searching and stumbled across this apprenticeship. It didn't take much convincing for me to actually apply as I knew it would be the best way to kick-start a career.
Best thing about the apprenticeship?
The best thing about my apprenticeship is being treated like an equal amongst colleagues. There have been many times that I've forgotten I am an apprentice! Everyone is willing to help you learn the skills you need to progress and it's always nice to feel like a trustworthy and respected colleague.
Any challenges?
There have been a few challenging days, but there always are when you're learning something new. The trick is to learn from your mistakes and not to dwell on them, otherwise it feels worse than it actually is!
Have you done anything that you didn’t expect whilst on your apprenticeship?
I definitely did not expect to step up as early as I did. When I first started, I slowly helped to support our CIO alongside my line manager. After a year, my manager moved across to a new role and I stepped up to solely support our CIO and Senior Leadership Team. Definitely unexpected but a welcome change and I'm incredibly thankful for all the support given to me by the team.
How has the training provider/college supported you?
My training provider has supported me by allowing me to complete skills matrix and asking me to write mini assessments at the end of each module so I could recap what I had learnt. This was useful for revision once I started my end point assessments.
What are your plans for the future?
I'm hoping to continue at the National Trust doing the same job as I currently am, just without the assessment side of things! I enjoy planning and organising which is a huge part of my role. I also enjoy working in the IT department as everyone is so welcoming and kind.
Any advice for anyone thinking of doing an apprenticeship?
If you like the idea of 'earn while you learn' then go for it. An apprenticeship is a fantastic way to start you off on a career path or to help you change careers! All you really need is a passion to learn new skills and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
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