Business Services

There are so many exciting things happening in the National Trust right now. We care for places and spaces all across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. And we’re always looking for new ways to help more people enjoy the history, nature, and beauty of the landscapes around them.
Our Business Services teams are the glue that hold the different parts of our operation together. They enable teams from right across the Trust to work together smoothly and efficiently so that they can deliver great results. We assist properties and offices in so many ways, offering much more than just support. We’re always looking at how we can improve the experience for our users and how we can support the organisation as we adapt for the future.
We’re also here to make sure that system and business process changes land well and are embedded into the way we work.
As a member of our Business Services team, you’ll be part of a community of multi-skilled professionals that work in partnership with colleagues across the Trust. We play our part in delivering the strategy by seeking innovative solutions to challenges and enabling our colleagues to effectively deliver their work.
The things we do for you
We want you to learn, discover and develop your career. And we’ll do everything we can to offer you the training, support and development that you need to achieve your goals. This could, for example, include helping you to study for a professional qualification appropriate to your career, trying something new or moving into a different business area. We’ll work with you to plan your development in a way that’s right for your needs.
Investing in you
Induction. Your learning in the Trust starts with your induction. Whatever role you're here to do we'll explain what to expect, show you where to go and make sure you understand your new environment before you get going.
Personal career progression development programme. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to development. Tailored to you our ‘Grow Your Own Career’ approach is in place to help you identify where you see your career heading, and the best ways to get there.
Learning resources. We all learn in different ways and respond to different styles. It’s what works for you, whether that’s on-the-job training, flexible e-learning or one-to-one support. And in an organisation of our size and diversity, there’s plenty of room to develop and places to go.
Future Engage and Deliver leadership programme. If you’re in a management role we’ll support you to become a better leader through our ‘Future Engage and Deliver’ leadership programme. The programme is designed to make sure you’re well-equipped with the skills and confidence to lead your teams to deliver our plans.
Professional subscriptions. If you need to hold a qualification for your role, from either a legal or professional point of view, we’ll cover the cost of your membership fee. We’ll need to see that it’s part of your continuous professional development, though.
Employee volunteering. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the National Trust, like many other charities. That's why we'll give you every opportunity to get involved with some volunteering outside the Trust. It's also a brilliant way to try new things, learn new skills and meet new people. So we'll give you up to five paid days per year to do your bit.
Secondments. Secondments are an excellent way for you to gain and practise new skills in real life situations, preparing you for a potential next career move. They usually last from three to 12 months – ideal for temporary or project roles.
Business Services people
Business Services Lead
Having worked for the Trust for the last 23 years I can honestly say that no two days are the same and that’s just the weather! Working with supportive and dedicated colleagues makes my role, as Business Services Lead, varied and broad, and covers almost everything.
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Business Services Manager
There are so many things I love about my job but firstly it has to be the people – we're all pulling in the same direction and do so while keeping values at the heart of everything we do. As a member of the Regional Management Team, we’re making decisions that will help more people get access to nature and greenspaces and it feels amazing that I can play a part in that.
Directorate Services Manager
My role with the Trust manages to combine my personal interests with my professional skillset, which is surely the dream combination? I’ve worked across three different roles now in the National Trust and each one has given me a different perspective about the part I play, and the organisation as a whole. I’m currently working on a project that will (likely) outlive my time with the Trust and I love that I’m getting the opportunity to make my mark in such a long-standing organisation.
Business Services Co-ordinator
I love working within the Business Services team at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal as I get involved in all aspects of how a property is run. The job is extremely varied, one day I can be chasing sheep and the next I could be in a projects meeting. Business Services is a great team to be a part of as you get to work with staff, volunteers, and our visitors. I love knowing that my work helps contribute to our visitors, staff and volunteers having a great experience at Fountains.